How to Knit a Bunny Booklet
How to Knit a Bunny Booklet
A simple + fun project, bunnies are one of my favorite things to make as well as a great gift for a new babe or an Easter basket. You only need a very basic knowledge of knitting to make these.
Materials needed:
approximately 30 yards of sport weight yarn per bunny (we like to use Önling No 1)
size 2 knitting needles
Wool roving or stuffing
A darning needle
Pom pom materials for the tail! (white yarn, the fluffier the better, & button thread)
An illustrated and hand bound booklet with all the instructions to make your own little bunny.
While the instructions in this book are for 3 inch tall bunnies you can absolutely experiment with them. All you have to do is knit a different size square. They are a great stash busting project or a good use of scraps.
*Note: the booklet has instructions for making a pom pom with a fork, if you prefer more perfect pom poms, our favorite pom pom making tool is available here and a video tutorial here.